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Orientation Path


Dedicated digital platform and support for one-to-one meetings with tutors and experts


Identify a project for your career and therefore the path to achieve it and become aware of your potential and your professional personality

In this Path, you will work on your career, guided by a tutor, with whom you will meet; all within the Opera digital platform, accessible from PC and/or mobile.

The Path has a maximum duration of 10 weeks, but it varies according to your availability and the speed with which you will proceed.  


With the Orientation Path you will: 

  • get a clear and realistic picture of your career situation

  • identify your strengths and areas for improvement

  • define a project for your career beyond sport, to be undertaken immediately

  • get the guidelines and tips to start and manage the project



At the beginning of the Path, based on your characteristics and needs, you will be assigned a tutor. The tutor will be your point of reference throughout the journey, not just for one-to-one meetings.


The Path, consisting of 5 phases, lasts about 10 weeks, depending on your availability and the pace. The cost of the course, including 2 one-to-one meetings of 60 minutes with the tutor, materials and outputs, is € 500.​ From  24/06 until 31/08 the Path is 20% off, so it costs €400.




Initial one - to- one interview with your tutor

Conduction of your career assessment, investigation of "Your Why", guidance on the rest of the Path and return of the first output: the Check Point 


De - Briefing

Final one - to- one interview with your tutor

Finalization of your career assessment, discussion on the tools and definition of the career project 


Warm Up

Introduction to the concept of Career beyond sport

Dedicated content, athletes' testimonies and an exploratory test to start with



Guided use and fruition of tools, content an activities

Interactive activities and exercises, tests and assessments and explanatory material and content


Project chart

Return of the Project Chart and Your Stats 

The summary of your results analysis and evaluation, the tools and the suggestions of your tutor. Plus additional content and guidelines on how to approach the work environment 


  • Check Point: snapshot of the current career situation and related prospects

  • Your Stats: analysis of Strengths / Weaknesses, Personality, Network, Personal Brand, Communication, Entrepreneurial Attitude and Money Management

  • Project Chart: diagram where - in addition to the identified project - the action plan to start and implement it is reported

  • Guidelines: suggestions about activities, courses and any Development Paths and/or Meetings, useful for implementing your project

  • Certificate: of participation and completion of the Orientation Path

The outputs of the Orientation Path are concrete, applicable and immediately usable in pursuing and managing your career on a daily basis.


What happens next? Among the outputs there are indications on the activities to be undertaken to develop and carry out your project, suggestions for our Development Paths and/or for our Meetings, or for different courses, training and professional activities.

As an alternative to the Orientation Path, you can start immediately with the Consulting Path or with the Meetings.

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